
I Will Miss You

I will miss you Mr President. It’s January 19th 2017 and tomorrow you will no longer be @POTUS but you will, in my mind, still be the greatest U.S. President of my lifetime and arguably of all time. Your grace and dignity, your devotion to the American people, and your positive, uplifting spirit has helped us all together, Keep America Great!! Our country is not perfect but you have moved us forward to a better place than where we were.

I had tears of joy when you were elected and re-elected because I was so proud that the American people had chosen a great man as President of the United States and that history was made when you, a black man, were elected to the most powerful position in the world. As the mother of two young black men, I want to thank you for being a positive role model to my children, illustrating for them that they can achieve whatever they set their minds to, full of hope. I will have tears tomorrow when you leave office and will miss you Mr President. #ThankYouObama

One thought on “I Will Miss You

  1. I am right alongside you ( except raising boys πŸ˜‰). But his caring for and about others is an example to all , my four daughters included. I will miss his forthrightness , his humor and his inclusiveness. Thank you Mr. Obama , may God fill your soul with peace and your new journey with joy.


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