
Confessions of a Couch Potato

When I started my blog I said that I would do 2 things for my body per week. It’s typed right there on my home page. Check it out in black and white. But I’m a liar 🙂 I’ve been struggling, well not really struggling, I’ve been lazy, really lazy. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not down on myself for being lazy. It’s who I’m am right now. I’m just confessing since, well, I just feel like it. LOL 🙂

Each day I spend about 6-8 hours sitting on my tush. I have a desk job and stare at a computer all day. Some days I work from home and others, I drive about 20 minutes to the office.

If I drive to the office, I WAS walking up 5 flights of stairs from the parking lot to the main floor, BUT for whatever reason, I’ve stopped. Maybe because it’s sooo many steps or because I get out of breath or, oh yeah, I’m lazy.

When I work from the office, luckily my friend Laurayne has motivated me to take a lunch or I probably would continue to sit at my desk through lunch instead of taking a lovely walk to the cafe or to our favorite food truck on campus. But that’s not enough, in my opinion. I need to move my body more…

At the office, we have an indoor walking “track” that is ½ mile long. It’s basically hallways that make a loop and have signs to motivate you and tell you how far you’ve walked. It’s really a great set up because you don’t have to even go outside to walk especially if the weather is cold or rainy. BUT for whatever reason, I rarely walk. Maybe it’s because I’m on the 3rd floor and the “track” is on the 1st floor or because it takes time away from my work or lunch, or, oh yeah, because I’m lazy.

When I work from home (2-3 days a week), I could easily go for a walk around my lovely neighborhood. It’s beautiful, full of trees and hills and ponds. There are often other neighbors walking around. I have a route that I WAS walking most days or evenings BUT for whatever reason, I’ve stopped. Maybe because it takes too long or the hills are too steep, or, oh yeah, because I’m lazy.

Also, when I work from home, I’m completely ALONE for MANY hours. It’s awesome, if you like being alone sometimes like I do! I could easily turn on you tube and do that yoga, I mentioned in a previous blog. I could put in one of the many exercise DVDs I have OR I could EVEN put on my fav Pandora station and dance like no one’s watching, well, because no one is! But for whatever reason, I don’t. Maybe it’s because my work keeps me so busy that I just don’t have the time, or, oh yeah, because I’m lazy.

So I guess you get the picture. I’m lazy and I’m confessing that I’m a couch potato. I’m not happy about it, but I’m not down about it either. It’s how I am now. LUCKILY I’m one of those people who is always looking for a way to be a better person (hence the purpose of this whole blog thing I’ve been doing). So I’ll continue to TRY not to be such a couch potato OR at minimum be honest enough to admit that it’s tough because….well…when it comes to exercise…I’m lazy 😀

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