Body · Mind

My new rig

Hubs got me a pretty cool new bicycle recently.  I haven’t used the bike much yet and I’ll blame that on the cold weather we’ve had since I got it 🙂  BUT our intention is go ride together in the evenings and on weekends.  We spend a lot of time at our jobs and doing yard work and housework, so sometimes we need to just take a ride around the neighborhood to chill for a bit.  Good for the bod, mind and for the relationship.

So this bike is super cute…don’t you think?

I took it out for a spin recently in the neighborhood, on my lunch hour and snapped a few photos while I was out.  As you can see it’s a quiet, beautiful, peaceful place tucked away in the not so quiet city limits.

BEFORE my ride, I was feeling quite stressed from work and out of shape from couch-potato-ing.  AFTER the ride however…what a feeling.  I was tired, I was keenly aware of the muscles in my legs (as they were quite wobbly and not cooperating), I was relieved to have resolved some dilemmas that I was able to think through AND I was feeling so healthy from the fresh air flowing through my lungs. Exhilarating!

It is totally true that exercise improves mood.  Even one short ride  helped.  I wonder how much happier I’d be if I actually exercised on a regular basis 🤔 .  According to ‘s article “How Does Exercise Help the Brain” by Karen S. Garvin, it’s the increased levels of serotonin from exercise that works like a natural antidepressant.   Sweet!  Also learning and memory functions can get a boost which is great for someone like me who is almost “mid-century modern”.  The memory isn’t what it used to be.  

Now that the weather is starting to warm up, at least here in NC, I hope to spend more time on my new bike.  Next time I’ll drag hubby along!

One thought on “My new rig

  1. Your bike IS cute! The seat looks comfy too Karen. I’m proud of you for going out. Taking that first step is lways the hardest. I love your neighborhood, you’re right it’s definitely a serene spot amidst the city chaos.


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