
My Mind Today

I did one thing for my mind today.  Check √

I created a blog.  I now have a way to get my thoughts on “paper” and I’m having so much fun.  Okay so I could’ve just started a journal, but this is even better because it’s like published out there for the whole world to see.  That is if the whole world can find my little blog in the internet universe.  I’ve journaled before.  I have many journals started…one for each of my kids to have when I’m old and forgetful…one for my daily (or really not so daily) thoughts…I call it my day book…one for lists of things to do, things to remember, things to pick up at the store.  You get the idea.

BUT this blog…yeah I’m lovin’ it.  I’m not telling you that you have to start a blog, because  I am a huge supporter of things done the old fashioned way on paper.  I’m not going to stop my journals.  BUT this blog…yeah I’m lovin’ it!

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