
Be Positive and Try Yoga

I stopped doing one thing and started doing another so does that count as 2?  Of course it does.  There are no rules here LOL.

ONE:  I’ve spent many years, like a lot of women, having major negative thoughts about how I look.  Obsessively “dieting” yet not exercising, shaming myself at every glance in the mirror.  It’s really sad.  I’m sure you know there is this AWESOME body positivity movement happening.  I love it and I love myself more the more I read about people like me who no longer want to define themselves by their weight or the size they wear  or anything else superficial.   Part of that made me decide to STOP doing one thing this week.  I stopped weighing myself every.single.morning.  I’m tired of getting on the scale and having the number I see define how my day will go.  “I weigh less today so I’m awesome.  Let’s have a bagel and cream cheese and a Carmel Macchiato.”  Or “OMG How in the world did I gain 3 pounds in 24 hours.  No breakfast or lunch for you fatty.”  Enough is enough.  I will weigh myself every few weeks, but every day…not happening anymore! Done.  Finished.  Kaput.

TWO:  I’ve never tried yoga.  Until this week.  It was good.  I felt awkward, but I’ll definitely do it again when no one else is around except my cute cat, Colossus, to watch me.  I subscribed to a professional yoga instructor’s video series on you tube.  She has a beginners video that is only 10 minutes.  Great for early morning before work (after everyone else has left the house) 🙂  My favorite part, mindful, intentional movements and breathing which makes a great start for my day!

2 thoughts on “Be Positive and Try Yoga

  1. So good! 🙂 and yoga is awesome. I started about 6 months ago doing yoga along to YouTube videos in my living room. At first I had to laugh a bit because it was so awkward and I was not flexible at all. But now…. my body is a lot more flexible and just feels a lot better. So keep it up! And don’t give up! You are beautiful inside and out and YouTube yoga is where it’s at 🙂 have a beautiful evening!


  2. I absolutely love this. Your words reasonate with me. I have my own issues with weight. I believe that being positive is the first step to being happy. That’s what I did for myself. I’ve chosen to be happy. Instead of telling myself to lose 30 lbs. I’ve decided that liking myself is better than trying to fit into society’s mold. I won’t put a number on myself any more. My sister and I have a saying when it comes to weight lost “see what it looks like” and if you like what you see that’s all that matters. I am also trying yoga…🙂

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